Violet was 2 years old…

It was a normal morning for two-year-old Violet*. On a Wednesday last year, her dad dropped her off at a neighbour’s house. Her mum was sick in a nearby medical centre and he needed to go see her.

But when Violet’s dad came to collect her at 5pm, she was gone.

The neighbour’s kids all returned home, but Violet never did. They started the search at 9pm that night, and at 6am the next morning, her body was found in a pond, a few kilometres away.

Among other injuries, her body was found with deep wounds on her neck and body parts missing. Police suspect her attackers took blood from her body.

Four people have been arrested, and hopefully soon, Violet’s attackers will receive just punishment for their horrific crime.

In a Ugandan first, Violet’s case is being heard in a special hearing of four cases involving child sacrifice and trafficking. The hearing is set to start this week.

We have an urgent need to raise $40,000 to cover costs of the court proceedingsTo help make history in this landmark hearing, visit

These cases could set a strong precedent and increase awareness about child sacrifce nationally, and see a tide of change in the country.

Don’t hesitate… act now!

*Name has been changed to protect family’s privacy