Make a donation today

Your generosity offers a lifeline to Kenya and Uganda’s most vulnerable children. Whether you make a one-off donation or pledge a monthly gift, you’ll give hope to children who need it most. 100% of every gift is invested in our partners and projects, and donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. Thank you for your kindness, we are grateful for your support!

If you’d like to donate by making a bank transfer, please use the details below.

Account name: Droplets In A Stream
Account number: 239083
Sort code: 034 013
Bank: Westpac

For an email receipt, please send your name, the amount donated, the reference you used and your email address to

Make an impact every month

Your monthly giving will make a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable children who desperately need education, healthcare, and services to keep them safe from harm. With ongoing support, we’re able to scale our impact and amplify positive change. Thank you for being a part of our journey. We couldn’t do it without friends like you.

A Gift To Leave A Legacy

The Spring

The Spring is a group of special individuals who have remembered Droplets in a Stream in their estate plans.  When you join The Spring, you create a legacy that will ensure a brighter future for Africa’s vulnerable children. You can make a meaningful and long-term investment in our cause through a planned gift such as a will, trust, life insurance policy or another deferred gift. Your lawyer can simply include a clause in a new will or a codicil (amendment in your will), naming Droplets in a Stream as a beneficiary. Email

Suggested bequest wording

I give [amount / property / my whole estate / the residue of my estate] to
Droplets In A Stream Australia, ABN 97 148 011 410 of 11/7 Roche Avenue, Bowen Hills, Queensland, 4006, Australia for its general purposes. The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being from Droplets In A Stream Australia is a sufficient discharge to my executors in respect of the gift.

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