He’s been called the ‘miracle boy’

It was the middle of the night when a passer-by heard a gurgling sound coming from the bushes. It was Allan.

He was 6 years old and had just been attacked by witch doctors.

They castrated him. Sliced open his head with a machete and took a piece of his skull. Stabbed him to use his blood for spiritual medicine.

But Allan miraculously survived that night back in 2009.

Peter Michael, from Kyampisi Childcare Ministries (KCM), rescued Allan. He housed him and got him medical care. Allan came to Australia for urgent medical treatment in 2013 and he’s now a happy, healthy 14-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a doctor.

It’s nine years later…. and Allan is still waiting for justice. His attackers are walking free, still able to harm other children.

But that’s hopefully about to change with your help!

Allan’s case is one of four that will be heard in a special hearing, starting next week.

This sort of hearing involving child sacrifice and trafficking cases will be the first of its kind in Uganda and is a major breakthrough not only for these children, but also for the eradication of this evil practice.

The court has given only one week’s notice to prepare for these proceedings, which means we don’t have long to raise enough funds to cover the costs of these court proceedings.

You can help make sure Allan’s attackers see justice today. We need to raise $40,000 by January 19th, which seems impossible, just we can do it if we all work together!

It’s such an urgent request, that we haven’t had time to set up a donation page. Until we can, you can give via Direct Debit:
Acc Name: Droplets In A Stream
BSB No: 034 013
Acc No: 239083
Ref: Court case

Be part of making history in Uganda!