Help Save Hope

We recently received the devastating news that our beloved Hope may not make it unless she undergoes a complex surgical procedure by the end of the year.


Sadly, due to the extent of her injuries inflicted upon her when she was only one, Hope has been unable to walk, talk, sit, move, or even feed herself. Her severe scoliosis has worsened over time, making it increasingly difficult for her to breathe. Without surgical intervention, Hope faces imminent suffocation.


Hope has fought so hard and come so far, and we cannot bear the thought of losing her now.


A team of professionals in the United States has been carefully assembled to perform the life-saving operation and provide ongoing post-operative care. We are working to secure a visa to bring Hope to the United States for her procedure, but the costs of this surgery are significant. 


Please join us in our mission to save Hope’s life. We cannot fathom the pain and difficulty she is going through, but we know that with your help, we can give her a fighting chance. Your donation will directly contribute to Hope’s medical expenses.

Thank you for helping Hope. To so many of us, she has become a daughter, a friend, a sister, and a constant inspiration. We love her dearly and want to do everything we can to ease her suffering. Together, we’re holding onto Hope.