DIAS Team to visit Uganda and Kenya in July

In July a team of 6 will visit all 3 of our Partners in Uganda and Kenya. They are Jen Barker, Andrew Stewart, Chris Emert, Jon & Bailey Meyers and Rod Callanan.
The focus of the trip will be to finalise plans for the Maize Mill mentioned above and to deliver a 4 day seminar / workshop to the KCM Management Team. They will also visit and evaluate progress at the New Seasons School and Pharmacy and then travel to Kenya to visit with Frank and Lindah at the Milele Centre, who we have not seen for 2 years.
Please keep the Team in your prayers for safety and good health and that the visit will be both a blessing to our Partners and a success in terms of our projects and workshops.
Weema Clinic and Maize Mill

The physical construction of the Weema Clinic is all but complete barring some minor fit out and connection of the plumbing. The recent donation of a solar power system has boosted the completion and will now reduce the running costs of the Clinic and help to make the entire operation more sustainable.
At present the building is being used as the offices for the KCM staff. The St Paul’s rehabilitation centre has been moved from Kampala to just a few hundred meters down the road and so the overall Master Plan is steadily taking shape.
Funds from the 2015 Tour Of Hope have been allocated to funding a Maize Mill that will be constructed and established on the KCM land. To date a sub-committee of the KCM Management have designed and costed the construction of the Mill and we are now working through these costing evaluating the 2 tenders and assessing value for money and whole of life sustainability. It is looking like construction of the Mill will commence during the latter part of this year.

Fundraising Dinner – sold out!
On the 17th June Stonehouse Wealth Management sponsored a fund-raising wine tasting dinner in Brisbane. A special thanks to Andrew Stewart one of the Directors of Stonehouse for the sponsorship and organising the fantastic event.
Not only was it a success in that it raised over $35,000 but it was a most enjoyable evening of fine food, wine and company. The event was hosted by wine and champagne expert, Tyson Stelzer, who presented Jansz champagne and Vasse Felix wine to accompany the excellent food laid on by the restaurant; Stokehouse.