Children rescued from terrorist group

In May, 126 children were rescued from a radical Islamic terrorist group in Uganda.

These children were kidnapped, held hostage, abused and trained by the group, so they could be trafficked to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It’s difficult to imagine exactly what happened to them… the beatings, torture and starvation, all so they could convert to an extreme religious sect. After months like this, so many of the children have been left traumatised.

One of our partners in Uganda has been caring for the children while police investigate the case. Some have since been reunited with their parents, but our partner is still caring for 40 children and 28 adults.

When our partner first arrived on the scene, police had little idea of what to do with the kids. They were sleeping outside in a courtyard in the rain for almost a week, without even a blanket. Our partner initially gave these kids the ‘basics’, including sanitary pads, toothbrushes, soap, toilet paper, underwear, and medical treatment.

Thanks to the support of our amazing donors, we have been able to care for the children while police complete their interviews and collect all the evidence. As well as providing a place to stay with a mattress, blanket, toiletries, clothing and meals, the children are also receiving vital counselling and education.

You may be wondering why our partner is even involved in a case like this. It’s because there is no government department or social service group who have the expertise or funds to help. To paint a picture of the need on the ground, the police even asked our partner to buy them paper and pens to take down statements and records. That’s the reality of the situation!

We are hopeful these children will soon be reunited with their parents. Last year, the same partner was involved in the rescue and care of 14 other children who were also kidnapped by the same terrorist group, and these children are now safe with their parents.

Thank you for making it possible!