Child sacrifice cases rise during COVID

Frontline workers in Kyampisi have reported that the incidence of abuse (which includes rape, paedophilia, domestic violence and trafficking) has sharply risen during COVID-19.

There has also been an increase in witchcraft-related child abductions and sacrifices, with many children not surviving the trauma. Unfortunately, police resources, which were always limited, are now even more stretched and diverted to other areas because of the pandemic.

But thankfully, there is some good news coming from KCM. The team has recently welcomed 5 children into their care, who were rescued from very abusive situations. These children are now receiving vital medical treatment, are housed in St Paul’s Rehabilitation Centre, and are being counselled by trained healthcare workers. These poor children cannot be returned to their families and villages until they have recovered well enough and their safety at home can be ensured.

KCM is also doing incredibly good work behind the scenes, working with the government and other departments to prevent such atrocities from continuing to go unchecked. Leaders from all areas of law enforcement are working together and KCM is playing a fundamental and key role in this area.

As always, though, this frontline work is not possible without your ongoing financial support – so thank you for bringing healing to these children!