A school bursting at the seams

New Seasons is filled with life and joy. Children kick around a plastic bottle on their makeshift dirt ‘soccer’ fields.

It’s surrounded by rubbish, with blackboards too small to teach on. The rickety wooden buildings with concrete floors are dark and barely stand up.

But the smiles of the children learning inside are big.

Haggai opened New Seasons to give the children living in the slums a chance to get access to education. This year, more than 60 students pile into his school, and the building is struggling to keep up with the growing numbers. Back in 2017, there were only 35 students.

The school is bursting at the seams and is quickly running out of space. It only has the capacity to offer five classes from Baby Class through to Primary Three. But in Uganda, a full Primary School has classes through to Primary Seven. So in January next year, 21 kids will have to leave the school because it doesn’t have the space or teachers to offer Primary Four or higher.

As well as the need for more space, the school struggles to buy books and stationary, and pay teachers wages.

The needs are great but Haggai has a dream to buy new land and build a new school. The slum is full of children who need an education if they are to break free from the poverty cycle they are trapped in!

If you want to see the school grow and invest into the children living in the slum on Nateete, please give today at https://www.dias.asn.au/online-donations/.

Or consider signing up to become a DIAS Pioneer and start giving monthly towards the school’s running costs.

Thank you!